About Mendel Bluming

1428859265_Rabbi 1014Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bluming leads the Chabad Shul of Potomac in Maryland as the shul’s executive director. Rabbi Bluming joined the institution more than a decade ago. An ordained judge, he received his rabbinic ordination in Paris, France, from Rabbi Hillel Pewzner. Tasked with counseling and teaching his community, he takes congregation members under his wing to educate them on how to live a devout life led by God. Rabbi Mendel Bluming also supports alternative means of religious education, like the scribing of the Torah. He helped to raise $10,000 to purchase quills and sheepskin so that synagogue members could participate in the project.

Rabbi Bluming also leads several educational courses from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. From finance to parenting, the courses teach students how to carry out daily tasks while maintaining Jewish values. In the course “The Art of Parenting,” Rabbi Mendel Bluming helps participants understand the question, “What is my obligation?” while the class “Money Matters” takes into consideration how the Torah and Talmud impact business.

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